A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Plan Teaching Programme on Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) among early Adolescents of RC International School, Bengaluru, India
Volume 1 ; Issue 1 ; in Month : Jan-June (2022) Article No : 105
Ramya B, Mane RK, Anakha M, et al.
Road traffic accidents are the everyday routine occurrences throughout the world. A purposive sampling technique was adopted for the study and pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design. a descriptive study was conducted among 40 early adolescents and the data was collected between 21st June 2024 to 31st June 2024 at the R C international school, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Collected data was analyzed and the result was the majority of respondents 87.5% had inadequate knowledge on road traffic accidents. Effectiveness of planned teaching programme pre-test score SD (4.23) and post-test score SD (3.98), P- value (2.085) and T- value (4.30). The calculated ‘T’ value showed a significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores. Calculated chi-square values showed significant association between age, resident, previous session attended by samples, language spoken at home, mode of transport, involvement of samples in accident, religion respondents with their pre-test knowledge scores.
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